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Econ 3102 (UMN)

Intermediate Macroeconomics

I taught Intermediate Macroeconomics at UMN from Summer 2019 - Spring 2024, Fifteen semesters in total.

Starting in Fall of 2021, the course switched to a large-lecture format, and I was made the sole primary instructor for the course. In addition to delivering the main lectures to classes of 100+ students, I also coordinated the discussion sections, and designed the course material.

I was awarded Distinguished Instructor by the department in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Example Syllabus Downloads: Full Syllabus (s22), Abridged Syllabus (s22)

I have html versions of some of my notes for the course, which can be found on this website.

Because I was the sole instructor for the course, and because it was a requirement for all econ majors, I was able to see two full cohorts of students go on to graduate.

Teaching this course was an immensely fulfilling experience, and I am grateful that I was able to contribute in this way as a graduate student.

A message from Tom Holmes:

Dear Robert, Thank you for the truly significant contribution you made to the teaching mission of the Economics Department during your graduate career here. The cheers by the undergrad at the combined graduation when your name was read out says it all. South Dakota is very, very lucky to get you! Tom